M-W Inlet Adapter w/Bubbler Tube 24/40

M-W Inlet Adapter w/Bubbler Tube 24/40


SKU: LG-6675-104
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LG-6675 Monier-Williams Sulfites Distillation Apparatus

Apparatus is used for the determination of sulfites in food and related products. Assembly consists of a three neck 1000mL boiling flask with Standard Taper 24/40 joints, a 300mm Allihn condenser and a right angle inlet adapter with a bubbler tube. Remaining components are a right angle hose connection adapter and a special Standard Taper 24/40 outlet adapter with a double bend.Reference: Federal Register, Vol 51, No. 131, July 9, 1986


  • Supplied:Inlet Adapter, With Bubbler Tube, Standard Taper 24/40

Application Notes


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