Q Band CFQ EPR Tube 100mm L Both Ends Open 10/Pk

Q Band CFQ EPR Tube 100mm L Both Ends Open 10/Pk


SKU: WG-221T


Q Band Standard EPR Tubes

EPR Tube Q-band is the most popular frequency for pulsed and cw-EPR after X-band. The larger Zeeman splitting would benefit EPR studies by (1) improving SNR, (2) requiring less sample, (3) resolving individual components of the g-matrix, (4) disentangling spectra which overlap at X-band, and (5) changing the spectral contribution interaction to field-independent interactions.Wilmad-LabGlass offers high quality EPR consumables to cover these high frequency applications. Table 1: Impurity Analysis for Clear Fused Quartz (unit: ppm in weight)  Al   Ca   Cr   Cu   Fe   K   Li   Mg   Mn   Na   Ti   Zr  15  0.5  <0.05  <0.05  0.1  0.4  0.6  0.05  <0.05  0.3  1.1  0.7  Table 2: Impurity Analysis for Suprasil Quartz (unit: ppm in weight)  Al   Ca   Cr   Cu   Fe   K   Li   Mg   Mn   Na   Ti   Zr  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  <0.05  For photochemistry studies, the cut-off wavelength is 265 nm for CFQ and 190 nm for Suprasil.


  • Length (mm):100
  • O.D. (mm):1.6
  • I.D. (mm):1.1
  • Ends:Both ends open
  • Package Qty.:10
  • Material:CFQ
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